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Information about the Group

Company Share and Dividends Information

Investor Relations Information

Information about the Group

1) What are the Group's core businesses?
IndoAgri follows a vertically integrated agribusiness model. Our principal activities span research & development, oil palm seed breeding, oil palm cultivation and milling, in addition to refining, branding and marketing of cooking oil, margarine, shortening and other palm oil derivative products. The Group also engages in the cultivation of other crops such as rubber, sugar cane, cocoa and tea.

2) What are the Group's competitive strengths?
The Group is one of the largest palm oil plantation owners in Indonesia with over 300 thousands hectares of planted area. We own a large variety of mother palms, and have established R&D program for oil palm breeding, with modern technology and highly qualified personnel.

IndoAgri has strong sales and marketing expertise. Today, the Group has garnered leading market shares in Indonesia branded cooking oil under brands Bimoli, Bimoli Spesial, Delima, Amanda and Happy, while consumer margarine and shortening products are packed and sold under the brands Amanda, Palmia and Royal Palmia.

Industrial cooking oils are sold directly to the Indofood Group as well as other food manufacturers. We also supply industrial margarine and shortening to confectioneries, bakeries and food manufacturers under the brands Amanda, Delima, Malinda, Palmia and Simas.

We are supported by local and national channels in both traditional and modern trades across Indonesia.

3) What are the Group's growth strategies?

Plantation Division
In 2022, the Division will continue with its focus on cost control improvements, pursuing innovations that elevate plantation productivity, and prioritising capital investments on growth areas. We aim to broaden our mechanisation strategy, conduct further research on available and feasible mechanisation tools, and implement solutions that are proven to be effective. We will also continue to drive greater efficiency through digitalisation and streamlining of work processes.

The replanting programmes planned for the Riau and North Sumatra estates will continue, with crop management activities focused on raising FFB yields. For the sugar cane plantations in South Sumatra, our goal is to leverage higher-yielding seed cane varieties as well as improved fertiliser and agronomic management techniques.

Edible Oils & Fats Division

With the growing demand for consumer EOF products, driven by the increasing middle class in Indonesia, we will continue to increase our production capacity to capture new opportunities and strengthen market share. We will also leverage our competitive pricing strategy to entrench Bimoli's market leadership, strengthen Delima as our second brand and cultivate the Amanda brand to drive volume growth.

These efforts will be supplemented with a higher frequency of marketing campaigns, direct sales in the modern trade and promotions in the general trade. We will continue to rejuvenate the formats and packaging designs of our cooking oils to cater to evolving consumer needs. The current distribution system will be complemented by various digital and e-commerce platforms to increase market reach and penetration.

We will focus on developing new products at different price points, improving customer service, enhancing product labelling and packaging, and increasing efficiency through process automation. The global supply chain and distribution networks will be expanded to extend our market reach both domestically and internationally.

4) When is the end of the Group's fiscal year?
1 January – 31 December

5) What is the total employee headcount for the Group?
We have 51,532 employees as at December 2021

6) Which countries does the Group have operations in?
Our plantations and refining facilities are located in Indonesia. The majority of our sales are within Indonesia however we are expanding our export sales to certain markets.

7) How am I able to find financial information and reports of the Group past and present?
Please visit our website at or the SGX website at

8) Can you disclose the members of the Board of Directors?

Name Position
Lee Kwong Foo Edward Chairman and Lead Independent Director
Lim Hock San Vice Chairman and Independent Director
Mark Wakeford CEO and Executive Director
Moleonoto Tjang Executive Director and Head of Finance and Corporate Services
Suaimi Suriady Executive Director and Head of Refinery and Commodity Division
Tjhie Tje Fie Non-executive Director
Axton Salim Non-executive Director
Goh Kian Chee Independent Director
Hendra Susanto Independent Director


Company Share and Dividends Information

1) Which year was the Company listed and on which stock exchange?
IndoAgri commenced trading on14 February 2007 on the SGX.

2) Can you list all the present substantial shareholders of the Company?
Our major shareholder is Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk (Indofood) in Indonesia. Indofood is the world's largest instant noodle manufacturer, as well as Indonesia's largest processed food company. Visit Indofood at their website

A more detailed list can be found in our annual report.

3) Is there a formalized dividend policy?
No fixed dividend.

Investor Relations Information

1) When will the next Annual General Meeting (AGM) be?
It is expected to be held in April 2023

2) Where can I obtain a copy of the annual report?
Please visit our website at or the SGX website at


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